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Compare and choose the best Overseas Student Health Cover Insurance

Your Path to Quality Care
and Savings in Australia

Cover Type
Start Date
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End Date
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plusminusStudent Health Cover
Approved Insurer for VisacheckImmigration approvedcheckImmigration approvedcheckImmigration approvedcheckImmigration approvedcheckImmigration approved
Policy CertificateDelivered instantlyDelivered instantlyDelivered instantlyDelivered instantlyDelivered instantly
plusminusSupport Services
Mobile Appquestionappleandroidappleandroidappleandroidappleandroidappleandroid
Online Membership accountquestioncheckcheckcheckcheckcheck
Home Doctor servicesquestioncheckclosecheckcheckcheck
24*7 Supportsquestioncall1800 006 745call1800 022 222call1800 887 283call1800 814 781call+61 3 9937 3999
On campus supportquestionclosecheckcheckcheckcheck
Virtual doctor servicesquestioncheckNo out of pocket costsclosecheckNo out of pocket costscheckDoctor on Demandclose
Safety & Security appclosecloseclosecheckSonderclose
Members exclusive discountsquestioncheckquestionclosecheckquestionclosecheckquestion
Multilingual OSHC Customer Service teamcheckclosecheckcloseclose
plusminusOut of Hospital Medical Services
Doctor Visits General Practitioner (GP) consultations question 100% of the MBS fee General Practitioner (GP) consultations question 100% of the MBS fee 100% of the MBS fee
Pathology (blood tests etc) 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 100% of the MBS fee
Radiology (e.g. x-ray, scans) 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 100% of the MBS fee
Specialist consultations 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 85% of the MBS fee 100% of the MBS fee
plusminusIn-Hospital Medical Services
Public Hospitalcheck100% of the cost of overnight and same-day accommodation in a shared or private roomcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian residentcheck100% of the cost of overnight and same-day accommodation in a shared or private roomcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian residentcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian resident
Private Hospitalcheck100% of the cost of overnight and same-day accommodation in a shared or private roomcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodationcheck100% of the cost of overnight and same-day accommodation in a shared or private roomcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodationcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodation
Private RoomcheckYes if availablecheckYes if availablecheckYes if availablecheckYes if availablecheckYes if available
plusminusAccident and Emergency Department Facility Fees
Public Hospitalcheck100% of charges raised by the Public hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian residentcheck100% of charges raised by the Public hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian residentcheck100% of the rate determined by State and Territory health authorities for services charged to a patient who is not an Australian resident
Contracted Private hospitalscheck100% of any facility fee charged by the contracted private hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodationcheck100% of any facility fee charged by the contracted private hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodationcheck100% of the charges for all insurable costs raised by a partner private hospital with a minimum of shared ward accommodation
Non-contract Private hospitalscheck100% of any facility fee charged by the non-contracted private hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentclosequestionMay not cover the full cost of your hospitalization. However, if you call the provider for a chat before you go into hospital, theyโ€™ll be able to tell you how much it will cost you. Members who choose a non-agreement hospital may incur out of pocket expenses for hospital-related services.check100% of any facility fee charged by the non-contracted private hospital for attending their accident and emergency departmentclosequestionMay not cover the full cost of your hospitalization. However, if you call the provider for a chat before you go into hospital, theyโ€™ll be able to tell you how much it will cost you. Members who choose a non-agreement hospital may incur out of pocket expenses for hospital-related services.closequestionMay not cover the full cost of your hospitalization. However, if you call the provider for a chat before you go into hospital, theyโ€™ll be able to tell you how much it will cost you. Members who choose a non-agreement hospital may incur out of pocket expenses for hospital-related services.
plusminusOther Coverage
Ambulance servicesquestioncheckcheckcheckcheckcheck
Surgically implanted prostheses and other items included on the Federal Government's prostheses Listcheck100% of the benefit as listed in the Australian Governmentโ€™s Prostheses Listcheck100% of the costcheck100% of the benefit as listed in the Australian Governmentโ€™s Prostheses Listcheck100% of the costcheck100% of the cost
Prescription medicines questionMaximum benefit of $50 per prescribed item
Co-Payment of $30 for each prescription item
Annual limits of:
- Single Membership: $500
- Couple/Family Membership: $500 per member / $1000 per membership
Maximum benefit of
$50 per prescribed item
For single cover - $300 pa
Family cover - $600 pa
Co-payment - $40.30 for each prescription item
Maximum benefit of $70 per prescribed item
Co-Payment of $30 for each prescription item
Annual limits of:
- Single Membership: $500
- Couple/Family Membership: $500 per member / $1000 per membership
Maximum benefit of
$50 per prescribed item
For single cover - $300 pa
Family cover - $600 pa
Co-payment - $40.30 for each prescription item
Maximum benefit of
$50 per prescribed item
For single cover - $300 pa
Family cover - $600 pa
Co-payment - $40.30 for each prescription item
plusminusWaiting Periods
Psychiatric Conditions2 monthsquestion2 months0 months2 months0 months
Pregnancy and birth related services12 monthsquestion12 months12 monthsquestion12 months12 months
Other pre-exisiting conditions12 months12 months12 months12 months12 months
plusminusRefund Policy
Refund policyLimited refund admin fee may apply. Refunds should be requested by phone.Can be applied through NIB online membership account and app for free.Limited refund admin fee may apply. Refunds should be requested by phone.Can be applied through Allianz online membership account and app for free.Can be applied through Bupa online membership account and for free.
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